Life Letters™

"But love is not going to save you." (Love)

Season 1 Episode 77

Are you looking for someone to make it all make sense? In today's episode, Emma reminds us that love is not what is going to fix us. And then, gently walks us through what will. 

If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

Podcast Transcript: When you find them, everything is going to finally make sense. I know. You’re going to have your— one. The person that will hold your hand and gently tuck your hair behind your ear. You will have that person to make Sunday morning pancakes with and plan holidays with and build a life with. You will have the person who will hold you and listen to you and want you. And then— because you do— life will finally be... better. Right? We have been told since our eyes could first see— just how powerful those love stories could be. We have been shaped by tales of one person saving the other— swooping in and filling in all those spaces they just couldn’t fill themselves. And maybe that is where we get it wrong. Where we— got— it wrong. Because we all go out there and look for someone to save us— but somehow never stumble upon a mirror to stare back into our very own eyes. And I get that we all want love. It’s the most essential and most desired glue there is in this life. But it is also not the answer. It’s not. Love is not going to save you. It’s not going to make those things you’ve been carrying lighter. It’s not going to fix your childhood or calm your demons or cure your emptiness. Love is— well, it’s just a bucket. With a big handle. And the reason that your life seems better when you have someone in it is because they are helping you carry whatever you have put inside. And maybe they have a choice— because you were transparent about what you were carrying. Or maybe they don’t— because you weren’t. But either way, one thing is very true. They will get tired, too, if what you’re carrying is too heavy. Does that make sense yet? So the real secret of making love last is in making love— lighter. And that is your job. Not theirs. So take all of those things in your bucket and decide which of them you really want to carry with you. And perhaps most importantly— which things you want to ask someone else to help you carry through this life. But keep in mind that they bring their own things, too. So just—leave some room in your bucket for them. And do it by being someone who has learned to make your own self happy. Because THAT is what will make them happy.