Life Letters™

"Maybe you're just the one who knows how to stay." (Relationships)

Season 1 Episode 78

Does it feel like you're always getting left behind by the people you love? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about how we approach love. And letting go. And growth.

If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

Podcast Transcript: Ok, so you’re alone again. And in the quiet, you look around you and start letting your mind do what it does. Say what it says. You let it— start to make up those stories. And as it writes them, you listen. To the ones that convince you there is something wrong with who you are. And that you’re not good at this. And that ‘this’ is what you’re ultimately destined for— to be alone. And as it tells you those stories, you look back and find all those people who have left you. And you fit those things in as evidence into the story you’ve just been told. And then, in one of the most damaging things you will ever do to yourself, you actually start to believe it. You start to believe that you are the one that always gets left. That messes things up. That says too much— or not enough. That is to quiet or too loud— too stressed or too spontaneous. The one who is not pretty enough or thin enough or enough enough. You let all those people who walked away become the ones who get to tell your story. And in doing that, you give them the power to have your future and your past. But— isn’t it possible you’ve actually been thinking about this entirely wrong? There are always other ways to tell this story. And if you tell it as “I’m the one who always gets left,” then you are letting yourself be a victim. And worse, you’re letting yourself be a victim that is also shouldering all the blame. Stop that. TELL. ANOTHER. STORY. Here’s a start for you: “I am NOT the one who always gets left. I am just the one who knows how to stay. And then one day, someone amazing is going to love that about me. Until then, everything else is just practice for the real thing."