Life Letters™

"You cannot fear being lonely." (Self-Awareness)

Season 1 Episode 83

Being along is not the same as being lonely. In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about how we look at loneliness. And why it is, actually, something to use. Not to fear. 

If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

Podcast Transcript: Feeling lonely is something that plagues our world in absolute silence. And it’s everywhere. We sit behind this interconnected web of phones and tablets and apps and computers— and we feel disconnected. We feel alone. Misunderstood. And that’s where it finds us, isn't it— the loneliness. It settles in for a season and convinces us, somehow, that it plans to stay forever. Look— loneliness is not something to fear. Loneliness is just that place after something has ended and before something else has begun. It’s a space of healing. Growing. Becoming. And maybe if you looked at it like that— it wouldn’t be something you carried with you like some terrible secret. It’s not. Time will help you through this one, too. I promise it will. Just like everything else— you will make it. You will make it. When you feel it around you— pushing you down— I want you to do what it absolutely hates. Give it noise. Life. Chaos. Loneliness thrives on silence— and that is where it wants to keep you when it’s there. So get up, put on a brave face, and walk out into the world. Even when you feel like every step hurts. Even when nothing makes sense. Even when you aren’t ready. You keep moving. You keep moving forward. And that’s the trick to beating it. You keep moving— keep living— but you never run from it. Running from loneliness just makes it stay with you longer. The trick is— you let loneliness catch you. You let in it. And then let it go.