Life Letters™

"So maybe right now, your journey isn't about answers." (Perspective)

Season 1 Episode 84

Maybe this is just a chapter that another one will answer. In today's episode, Emma reminds us that some chapters of our lives give us questions that other chapters will answer.

If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

Podcast Transcript: So maybe right now your journey isn’t about answers. That’s ok. Not all chapters can answer questions— and some of them are there only to create questions that other chapters will answer. Oh, I know that is hard to accept. Having whole portions of our lives that end in the middle of sentences isn’t something most of us can get used to. Let alone enjoy. But that doesn’t make those chapters any less important. Any less necessary. The hard times— in whatever form they come— are the most important building blocks we have. None of us want them. None of us are ready for them when they blind-side us. But no matter where or how they find us, the hard times push us towards things— and pull us away from things— that we do or don’t need in our lives. And the tragic beauty in that is we keep hanging on to what we knew when this life is doing everything it can to do to push us towards something better. And we all want better— we want it and yet because we are so near-sighted, we reject the first pieces of a new life because it comes disguised as an ending. And endings are hard. And we don’t know— we can’t fathom— how endings fit into a picture we haven’t seen yet. And that is where faith comes in. So here’s something to consider, love. What if— even more than just question chapters and answer chapters, we also get piece chapters? The chapters where we are being handed the building blocks that will later build us the life we’ve always longed for. Waited for. Worked for. Would that change how you saw things? Would it change how much patience you've had through these times when nothing makes sense? I’d like to think that it would. And so maybe that’s what it’s really all about. The growth that comes from those times it feels like everything is falling apart. Because there will be peace. Maybe not in this chapter—but it’s there. So the trick is, you keep writing your story until you find it. Or until it finds you. Whichever comes first.