Life Letters™

"Don't ever accept the kind of love this world makes you think you deserve." (Love)

Season 1 Episode 86

Are you letting this world tell you what you deserve? In today's episode, Emma gets us thinking about the kind of love we accept. Rather than the kind of love we actually deserve.

If you could talk to you, this is what it would sound like. In under five-minute clips, the Life Letters™ explores the topics of growth, change, self-love, relationships, and happiness. Hosted by author Emma Grace of Instagram’s hugely popular 'Live in the Details,' the Life Letters™ will hand you a daily dose of the words you never knew you always needed to hear.

Podcast Transcript: It’s easy to get lost in broken hearts, in the waiting, in the you’re-not-the-ones. It’s easy to get lost in the you’ll-never-find-that-kind-of-love and the you’re-too-fussy and the when-are-you-going-to-settle-down. They will talk about biological clocks. And time ticking by. They will talk about you being too old to start or too young to understand. They will talk to you about who you love and what you want and where you’re looking for it are completely wrong. They will tell you those things and a million others. And you can listen. You can certainly listen to all those voices in this world that keep telling you what you’re looking for isn’t out there. That it doesn’t exist. And maybe even— that you don’t deserve it. You can listen to those voices, or you can look those people straight in the eye and smile. Smile because you know that what you want will one day find you. Smile because they don’t really get it. How this world works. How— you work. They don’t see yet that when you want something badly enough and wait for it patiently enough— that eventually those things make their way beautifully into your life. Yes, even love. So the best thing you can ever do is hold on like hell to the dreams you have for your life. The best thing you can ever do is hold on like hell to the way you want to be loved. The way— you— want to love. Because in the end, it’s not just some people who get what they are looking for while others don’t. In the end, the people who get what they want in this life are quite simply, the ones who don’t ever give up. And when the world shouts louder and louder at them to go faster and lower their standards and settle for something else, they retreat into the peace and solace and sweet contentment of knowing what they know. That time always makes things right in the end. Always.